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Cabral Energy is a privately held Oil and Gas company headquartered in Houston, TX. Cabral Energy was formed in July 2016 to explore and develop Oil & Gas resources in domestic USA primarily in the offshore and onshore.
In 2017, Cabral added two other divisions to complement it's E&P and leverage the skills and strengths of the company. Cabral Energy services include G&G, engineering, data management & analytics, and operational consulting.

Cabral Energy's mission is to be part of a global movement of an environmentally conscious
and highly motivated generation driven by efficiency & speed of technology.
It is the goal of CE to be at the cutting edge of the O&G industry's transformation, to visualize the direction of the future, and to be a part of this evolution.
Cabral Energy's goal is to discover oil and gas through scientific inquiries addressing problems encountered during exploration and development.
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