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Cabral Energy is a privately held Oil and Gas company headquartered in Houston, TX. Cabral Energy was formed to explore and develop Oil & Gas resources in the onshore and offshore domestic US.
Cabral Energy's R&D complements it's E&P leveraging the skills and strengths of the company. Cabral Energy services include G&G, engineering, data management & analytics, and operational consulting. In addition, Cabral Energy Technology (CET), is the R&D subsidiary with its QLP Projects include the Aqua Systems (TM) designed for recycling industrial waste water.
Cabral Energy's goal is to discover oil and gas through scientific inquiries addressing problems encountered during exploration and development.
Cabral Energy's mission is to be part of a global movement of an environmentally conscious and highly motivated generation driven by efficiency & speed of information technology. It is the goal of CE to be at the cutting edge of the O&G industry's transformation, to visualize the direction of the future, and to be a part of this evolution.
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